What are SDGs?

These are 17 initiatives that aim for a sustainable and better world by 2030.We at Life-do.Plus aim to create earth-friendly and considerate products that take into account not only the needs of our customers, but also social and environmental issues.

Life-do.Plus Initiatives

  • We are working to reduce petroleum-derived raw materials

    1. Ink raw materials (Biomass Initiatives)
    2. Alcohol raw materials (biomass initiatives)
    3. Thinning of key materials and shift to plant-derived raw materials
  • We are working to improve the workplace environment

    1. Promotion of 4S movement (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu)
    2. Health management of employees
    3. Actively promote female managers
    4. Actively promote the use of the childcare leave system
    5. Introduction of short-time employee system
  • Disaster relief and community support

    1. Dispatch of support to disaster-stricken areas
    2. Provision of our products to local communities

Life-do.Plus's original Chikyu Omoi products

We have created an original character called "Chikyu Omoi" to promote environmental measures for our products.

It is displayed on products that meet our original standards.


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